New York Giants cornerback Deandre Baker finds himself in trouble with the law after being arrested on eight felony counts. Here is a look at who Big Blue might use to replace him.
At this point, New York Giants cornerback DeAndre Baker out on bail after he was charged with eight separate felony counts. There is a very good chance he won’t be part of the team in 2020. I’m not here to pass judgment on his alleged actions. After all, Baker’s lawyer says he’s innocent. Then again, even if he didn’t commit the crimes he’s accused of, other things have him in hot water.
The country is in the opening stages of getting back to normal. Even so, the coronavirus is still very prevalent. Social distancing is more than the norm; it’s expected from almost everyone. NFL players aren’t allowed to attend team facilities. Any organized team activities are conducted virtually.
Baker doesn’t feel as though social distancing rules apply to him. Attending parties and card games is anything but social distancing. I understand the concept of being young and feeling invincible, especially as an elite athlete. But when people are dying in large numbers, protecting your number one asset, your health, has to come in at the top of the priorities list.
The NFL doesn’t look highly on gambling. Reportedly, Baker and alleged accomplice Quinton Dunbar lost $70K in a card game a few days before the incident that resulted in their arrests. Obviously, the league can’t police every weekly poker night. Still, aside from the other issues, NFL security will look into the gambling aspect, and it’s in the commissioner’s discretion to take action.
Team meetings. The Giants have been holding them virtually. Baker has not been an attendee. Nothing says commitment to your teammates like not showing up to turn on your computer and meet with them or the coaches.
In his very brief professional career, DeAndre Baker is shaping up to be the opposite of what Gettleman has said he wants in the team’s locker room. Who will the team replace him with? Here is a look at the field.