New York Knicks: 5 deals that would make them instant contenders

Looking at all of the assets the New York Knicks currently have from this offseason, it would only make sense to try and acquire a big-name player. Without him, I can’t see the Knicks being good for a few more years.
Obviously, there’s no rush for this team to deal as they are going to be very good eventually with or without a big signing. It would be nice for the organization to get a few more wins this year. That would be a step in the right direction and make fans a lot more optimistic for the future.
If the Knicks can pull off a deal where they land a younger player like Wiggins, Booker, or Beal, this team could not only contend for the playoffs this year as well as challenging for a title the next year.
I know that it’s almost unheard of for a team that just had a 17 win season to make the playoffs the next year and then win the title the year after that, but it’s not impossible. Brooklyn had 28 wins going into this past season and then finished with 42. I would argue that the New York Knicks young core now is better than what Brooklyn has with theirs.
Next. The New York Knicks are one piece away from contending. dark
Regardless of who they land and if they land anyone at all, the Knicks are on a path to future success, they just hold the keys to how fast they want to get there. A few of these trades can get them there as early as next season, or as late as three to four years from now. It may not look like it, but it’s definitely a good time to be a Knicks fan and winning is coming sooner rather than later.