New York Knicks: 5 recent Knicks players who were heavily underrated

New York Knicks. Steve Novak. (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)
New York Knicks. Steve Novak. (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images) /
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New York Knicks.
New York Knicks. Michael Beasley. (Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images) /

Michael Beasley

When you’re the M.V.P. of any professional league, you have to be talented, (Even if it’s the China Basketball Association).

In his 74 games as a Knick, Michael Beasley brought some fun into the Garden that New York fans hadn’t been used to seeing in a while. He averaged 13.2 points a night in only 22 minutes of play and I genuinely believe that this guy could be special given the right opportunity.

HE’S ONLY 30!!!

Beasley was the type of guy to drop 20 plus on a team basically whenever he felt like it, and that’s exactly what he did in New York, but he just never had a consistent opportunity.

In his lone New York season, Beasley was averaging 21 and 9 per 36 minutes a game and that just shows you the type of talent that the Knicks wasted. The Los Angeles Lakers let him go after the whole LeBron James disaster, and now he’s back playing in China where he’s averaging 22 points off the bench.

Next. Mitchell Robinson should be invested in long term. dark

So, this is my plea to Knicks fans to petition to get this guy back because he isn’t called the walking bucket for no reason. Trust me, given the opportunity, this could be the guy that metropolitan basketball has been looking for.