New York Yankees: Why 2019 is a make or break year for the Yanks

New York Yankees. (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
New York Yankees. (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) /
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New York Yankees.
New York Yankees. #99 (Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images) /

The New York Yankees have been trying to break through and get into the World Series since they last won it in 2009, and ten years later they are in their best position to do just that.

With Spring Training here and in full swing, the New York Yankees have some questions that need answering going into the regular season. Who will be the everyday first baseman? Is Gary Sanchez reliable behind the plate? Do they still need another pitcher?

Another major question is whether or not we can see a huge improvement in Miguel Andujar’s glove. With Nolan Arenado now extended, and Manny Machado signed long-term out west, the hot corner is a position the Yankees might be forced to fill within their system now, not in free agency.

So, is Miguel Andujar going to be a much improved two-way player?

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Let’s not forget, the Yankees massively improved their bullpen with the signings of players like Adam Ottavino. However, the only true addition to their rotation is James Paxton. It might be a while before we see players like Jordan Montgomery. So, the Yankees will have to do with what they have to start the season. That might be a risk considering it was pitching what hurt them the most last year.

Has it improved enough this year?

These questions, among others, are staring the Yankees right in the eyes and 2019 is the year they need to find answers. This is now the third year of Gary Sanchez and Aaron Judge being in the everyday lineup, and the fourth year of them being on the roster.

In those three years, the Yankees have a combined nine Postseason wins with two of them being Wild Card Games. This being said, 2019 is a make or break year and if they’re eliminated in the ALDS, ALCS, or even earlier, something will need to change.

Could that something be their first baseman? The Yankees have had first base troubles since Mark Teixeira hung up his cleats, and if nothing changes in 2019, it will need to in the ensuing offseason.

Let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room that is Greg Bird.