Aaron Judge, New York Rangers top list of things New York sports fans should be thankful for

Aaron Judge (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
Aaron Judge (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) /
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New York Yankees
New York Yankees (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) /

The face that runs the place

This one is tough to say. But since I am just one man’s opinion and that what this platform is for, I am going to go ahead and say it.

Aaron Judge should be the face of New York sports.

Despite what the google trends might say, the edge has to go to Judge.

This is not Odell’s fault. He has quite the personality. The flare for the dramatic well-balanced with being talented at what he does that it takes to make it.

However, he is just ahead of his time. We are still just a few years away from NFL wide receivers winning MVP awards and becoming prominent team leaders.

That is in the future, Odell will likely get there.

But, if you had to pick one Aaron Judge is the face of New York sports right now.

Not only does he almost exclusively hit home runs, he is a class act.

There have not yet been contract disputes. Judge does not take frustrations out on objects when the camera is on him.

He is a class act. He will learn from blasting the stereo in Boston after the LDS win.

This city is one where athletes are larger than life. In all cities, that is not always true.

Judge is going to be, if not already, a household name. He is an Eli Manning. A Derek Jeter. A David Wright.

Odell is more of the shiny new toy. Something great, something that could always be fun, but non-traditional. You can’t build your toy collection around the shiny new one, it just becomes an asset to the older ones.

Odell is great, but ahead of his time if not stuck in the middle. Judge is great, but more the face of New York as an athlete.

He is the home run, analytically sound player that baseball needs, while following that role model time athlete that will be remembered for centuries.

Be grateful for Aaron Judge. He is a gem. As far as we know, and have more than a two-year sample size to see, he will be around for a long time.

So, there it is.

If I had to pick those are five specific things to be thankful for in New York sports right now.

I’m thankful I get to write about New York sports. I’m thankful to all those who read.

But, at the end of the day, just be thankful we have sports in general.

It allows us to escape from the bigger, more important things in life and allows us to show our capabilities as humans to have endless passion for something.

Next. This week's Empire Writes Back New York Sports Power Rankings. dark

Happy Thanksgiving.