New York Knicks: Why Kevin Durant might not sign with Knicks

Kevin Durant. New York Knicks (Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)
Kevin Durant. New York Knicks (Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) /
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Kevin Durant
Kevin Durant (Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) /


Durant has won two NBA titles with the Warriors.

However, the Knicks haven’t won a title since 1973. The Knicks are working on a rebuild and have young stars that could help bring them a title in a couple of years.

The big question here is does Durant think he could win a title with the Knicks?

While the Knicks haven’t won a championship in decades, they appear to have a bright future and could win a championship soon.

However, don’t expect Durant to sign with the Knicks if he doesn’t think that he can win a title in New York.

There will be opportunities for Durant to max out on his pay-day but also be in a solid situation in terms of where the team is. If Durant can see green and another title elsewhere, he might not feel obligated to choose the Knicks.

He might know where he is going to sign already, but it is not irrational to understand if he the Knicks have not shown enough direction yet.

In addition to the Knicks, the Los Angeles Clippers and the Los Angeles Lakers are expected to make a run at Durant, according to Chris Haynes of Yahoo Sports.

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While the Knicks are trying hard to land Durant, we’ll just have to wait and see whether he stays with the Warriors or goes somewhere else.