New York Knicks: Why Kevin Durant might not sign with Knicks

Kevin Durant. New York Knicks (Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)
Kevin Durant. New York Knicks (Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) /
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Kevin Durant
Kevin Durant (Photo by Gene Sweeney Jr./Getty Images) /

It’s all about the Money

When it comes to free agency, Kevin Durant thinks about only one thing: money. On Wednesday, Durant told The Athletic (via Steve Popper of Newsday):

“I am thinking about the money I’m going to get. I never got the deal. I’ve just seen a bunch of dudes around the league making so much money — and I’m happy for them. But I know I deserve that, too. That’s the only thing I’m probably thinking about, to be honest.”

Last year, Durant made $25 million and the season before he made $25 million.

The Warriors can offer KD a five-year deal worth $221 million, according to Drew Shiller of NBC Sports.

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The Knicks, on the other hand, are projected to have $31 million in cap space next summer and could only offer KD a four-year, $164 million deal.

That probably won’t be enough to get Durant to come to New York.

The Knicks would have to free up some more cap space in order to get Durant since the projected max contract is $38.15 million.

Don’t expect Durant to sign with the Knicks if they can’t offer him the kind of money that the Warriors can. Durant said himself he wants a payday. There is only so much the Knicks can do it that department.