New York Knicks: Why Kevin Durant might not sign with Knicks

Kevin Durant. New York Knicks (Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)
Kevin Durant. New York Knicks (Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) /
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Kevin Durant
Kevin Durnat (Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) /

Golden State Warriors star Kevin Durant could be a free agent next year and the New York Knicks are trying to get him, but will he come to New York?

Kevin Durant and the Golden State Warriors played the New York Knicks on Friday night. Durant, a star player on Golden State, could become a free agent next year and the Knicks are already trying to recruit him.

A billboard facing the main entrance to Madison Square Garden went up on Thursday trying to get Durant to come to join the Knicks.

The billboard features cartoon portraits of Durant and Knicks star Kristaps Porzingis standing with the Larry O’Brien Trophy.

It also asks the question: Can You Make NY Sports Great Again?

It features Durant’s Instagram handle: @easymoneysniper and the hashtag #KDNY2019.

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Durant wasn’t impressed by the billboard. Here’s what he said about it, per Stefan Bondy of the New York Daily News:

"“I mean, to be honest, I don’t know how I feel about that type of stuff. It’s cool. No disrespect, but I’m not really impressed with that type of stuff. I just really like playing basketball. I try to focus — my entertainment is really what happens on the basketball court. You know what I’m saying? I know all of that stuff is a part of it, but for me I don’t really get up for that stuff.”"

The billboard was paid for by Benjamin Pokh, president of the marketing company that put up the billboard, told Ian Begley of ESPN:

"“My business partner and I are lifelong Knick fans, and we are tired of all the losing, so we decided to do our part in helping our team recruit the best players the NBA has to offer, because that’s what New York sports deserves.”"

We don’t know if Durant is going to join the Knicks or not if he becomes a free agent next year. Let’s take a look at why he might not go to New York in 2019.