New York Yankees: How to take the next step in 2019 Part 1-starting pitching

New York Yankees. CC Sabathia (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
New York Yankees. CC Sabathia (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) /

The New York Yankees 2018 season is officially in the record books. There were a lot of ups, many downs, and a heartbreaking ending. So, how can they get over the hump and win the title in 2019? Yes, it’s already time to discuss.

The New York Yankees’ 2018 season ended with their arch-rival Red Sox celebrating a playoff series win on their field. It was the worst possible site to see for the Yanks, but something that should motivate them going forward, something they should fight to never see again.

The New York Yankees, this season, won 100 games, celebrated the 1998 team that was one of the best ever and won a Wild Card game.

The Yankees, this season, also lost in the Division Series, had injuries to almost every player, watched the Red Sox celebrate in the Bronx twice, and failed to win the ultimate prize.

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Now, the Yankees must once again watch the World Series from their couches. But, in a year full of ups and downs, there is one guarantee: they will be back next year.

Was 2018 a disappointment? Was it a success? Is it what you expected? Those are questions that can be answered for a different night.

One thing is for sure though, their biggest flaws were obvious and there is work to do and many different reasons why the lost.

Let’s give credit where credit is due. The Yankees’ season ended after a loss to a historically good Red Sox team, no matter how much it pains to read, they deserved to win.

But, the Yankees still have no one to blame but themselves for losing in the playoffs, failing to win the division, whatever their biggest failures were.

Let’s dive into the first way they can improve for next year: upgrade the pitching

Improve the rotation. 

The New York Yankees entered the 2018 season with Luis Severino looking like an ace. Masahiro Tanaka in a groove, Jordan Montgomery trying to learn his way, and C.C. Sabathia making one last run.

In the middle of the season, the Yanks went out and got themselves more tools to play with. J.A. Happ was picked up at the deadline, he did well for them. Lance Lynn, he too was acquired at the deadline and made some solid starts for them.

Now, with the 2018 season, we must ask ourselves. Do the Yankees have a true ace going into 2019?

The answer to that is tough. But, the precedent set is messy.

Luis Severino was supposed to be but pitched horribly in the ALDS. Tanaka looked the best down the stretch, yet didn’t start the first game of the DS or the Wild Card Game.

Happ was given the bump in Boston for the playoffs despite not being the best. He then proceeded to pitch poorly in that one too.

So, the answer remains in a gray area. The Yankees have talented pitchers, but I wouldn’t call an aging Tanaka, who is not the best in the regular season, an ace.

So, for 2019 what should they do?

That starts in free agency. The Yankees need to sign a starter and make it count.

Happ, Sabathia, and Lynn are set to become free agents. The Yankees best bet would be to move on from at least two of them if not all.

So, of all the pitchers that will be available, Patrick Corbin is their best option. If the Yanks, signed him, and he is only 29 years old, that already replaces CC.

Dallas Keuchel is another free agent to be, but I’d imagine he stays with the Astros for the long-term.

So, the Yankees, must we not forget, have spent many seasons bolstering their system.

In 2018, we saw glimpses of them too. Chance Adams made a few starts. Justus Sheffield made appearances out of the bullpen.

In addition to that, Montgomery will be back in the summer at some point.

The Yankees also have Luis Cessa and Jonathan Loaisiga that have gotten starts for them this season.

So, the Yankees have PLENTY of options on how they can change-up their pitching staff.

With this, Severino still has potential. So, assuming he stays in the rotation that leaves four spots.

Tanaka also earned his spot in the rotation due to his play this season and in the playoffs.

If the Yankees do end up getting Corbin, that is an option.

The Yankees could keep Happ, which for a short-term deal for the right price would be worth doing, and he can get innings in as a starter.

Then you throw in Sheffield, Adams, or both and you are looking at the Yankees new and improved rotation for 2019.

The Yankees’ starters failed them time and time again in 2018. The Yanks hit more home runs than anyone this year, they had the offense.

But, when the bats got cold, it was almost never that the rotation bailed them out. If they can get a quality rotation going, along with that offense, they will be improved from this year.

The Yankees do not need quality starts from their starters all the time, but getting five reliable ones who can go deep into games will allow them to play the bullpen game they love more efficiently.

So, a rotation consisting of the positives from 2018, Tanaka and first-half Severino. Then bringing in fresh faces to fill it out for the better is a great formula.

The Yankees even have depth in the sense they have multiple prospects. That allows them to mess around with each and see who sticks.

The Yankees having more than one ace, or multiple reliable starters, gives them the edge they need to make a run deep into the playoffs, or even win the division and avoid that one game Wild Card this time.

The New York Yankees might not look a lot different in terms of where they line up in the field for the 2019 season.

But if their starting pitchers do not look different, the result in the playoffs next year will not either.

Bolstering their starting pitching and upgrading it is one of the many ways the Yankees can take the step for 2019.

Next. Should the Mets keep Devin Mesoraco around for 2019?. dark

Stay tuned next week where we will discuss another way the Yankees can improve for next season.