Next weekend, Brooklyn Nets legend Jason Kidd will be taking his rightful spot in the Basketball Hall of Fame. There are many reasons he is deserving of that honor but some things have left a greater impact than others.
When thinking of All-Time New York/New Jersey/Brooklyn Nets players, it is tough to not have Jason Kidd at least in the top two of that list.
Although the Nets did not technically build him, he is easily the last “star” player that the Nets truly had.
Kidd’s legacy with the Nets might not be felt right now due to the team’s move to Brooklyn and his bitter ending after a coaching tenure, however, it can be argued the Nets would not even be a team right now had it not been for Kidd’s excellence for the better part of a decade.
Jason Kidd is an all-time great NBA point guard let alone one of the best players to ever put on the sneakers for the Nets.
His spot in the Basketball Hall of Fame is forever and deserving. For a man who revolutionized a position when the games biggest league was its peak is alone enough.
However, it is what he was able to do for the league, the conference, the team, and even the small market that will help truly tell the story of how special he was.
So, with the Brooklyn Nets destined to have another less than stellar season, let’s give reason to be stoked about his enshrinement.
This is a big event always, but it should mean so much to Nets fans and supporters right now.
Let’s start with of the biggest reasons why he deserves his Hall of Fame nod.