Madden NFL 19 has released their full team ratings. Here are the ratings for the New York Jets and some reactions to each offensive player.
The Madden NFL 19 complete player rankings are out, and that is music to the ears of New York Jets fans and NFL fans across the globe. Gamers come out of the wood work this time of year, ready to strut their skills at their favorite video game. Ratings become one of the most debated topics of the NFL off-season.
The Madden game series has been around longer than many of our readers. It began as a computer game back in 1988 and has evolved ever since. It started out as a game where the players were not much bigger than our fingers and has become what it is today. It’s almost as if we are controlling real players and there are competitive tournaments all over the country.
Now we get to the debate points. With the ratings finally released we are taking a look at the ratings for our beloved Jets. Today we look at the offense. Where do they stand? Do the overall ratings make sense? We go through the roster in the upcoming slides and talk about each and every player.
We get started in the quarterback room.