When the Yankees bought the contract of George Herman Ruth from the Red Sox, it altered the history of baseball. When they took one of the best pitchers of his era and put him in right field at Yankee Stadium, it was a bold move, even though he could hit. It proved to be the right one, though.
Only one player in the history of baseball — The Babe — could have such a profound effect on the legacy of two different organizations. One team (the Boston Red Sox) would go on to consistent futility, and the other, the New York Yankees, would go on to all-time greatness.
When Babe Ruth’s contract was sold to the Yankees, no one knew what kind of effect it would have on both teams. Ruth would go on to have a slash line of .349/.484/.711 with the Yankees and be a cog in the offense that led the Yankees to four World Series titles. It would take the Red Sox over 80 years to win another World Series title, and, in a bit of irony, the first 3-0 series comeback in baseball history over the Yankees to set the title win up. Ultimately, though, no one could match the accomplishment of Ruth in Yankee pinstripes.