New York Jets: Rex Ryan says Mark Sanchez wasn’t a franchise quarterback

EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ - AUGUST 17: Mark Sanchez (Photo by Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images)
EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ - AUGUST 17: Mark Sanchez (Photo by Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images) /

Rex Ryan talked about his former New York Jets quarterback, saying Mark       Sanchez never was a franchise quarterback.

You remember this guy, New York Jets fans. The man in the featured picture needs no introduction. If we have ever had more of a love/hate relationship with someone than we had with Mark Sanchez, I want to know who it was. He came on the scene at the same time as his rookie head coach, Rex Ryan. They went to two title games before the wheels came off for both of them.

Now, Sanchez is the third string quarterback in Chicago and Rex is an analyst for ESPN.

As we all know, Rex was never a guy to hide his feelings. He would say what he felt and he wouldn’t care what others thought. That still is valid today. He may be in studio now, but that didn’t stop him from talking about his time with the Jets, and specifically his quarterbacks (via Rich Cimini of ESPN).

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He had an interesting comment when talking about the ever-popular Sanchez:

"“With Sanchez, I knew he wasn’t going to be a franchise quarterback, but I thought he’d be good enough to win with,” Ryan said. “The guys coming out in this year’s class have a much higher rating than Mark had — and Mark was OK.” “With Sanchez, we just couldn’t have it anymore,” Ryan said. “The boneheaded interceptions, especially in the red zone, it was mind boggling. Unfortunately, Mark never really got better. I think that was the disappointing thing to me.”"

That seems hard to believe coming out of his mouth, to be absolutely honest. I am a huge Rex Ryan fan, but this doesn’t pass the test. Yes, these are all observations that we made while watching the team. But doesn’t it seem like he ran with Sanchez for a long time, for a guy that he didn’t believe was that good? It took Rex forever to sit Sanchez down. He knew he wasn’t a franchise quarterback? Please.

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Besides everything else, whose jersey did coach get tattooed on himself? That would be the one that belonged to Mark Sanchez, for anyone who forgot. Now he wants to tell us he didn’t believe in him? That’s a nice story now. Just admit he was a bad idea and that it didn’t work out. It’s OK to not be perfect coach. We know you loved Mark. It’s fine to say so.