Alex Rodriguez: What Does the Future Hold


The bizarre saga of the New York Yankees and Alex Rodriguez continues with the latest chapter revolving around his day-to-day status.

I guess at this point we shouldn’t be surprised by anything when it comes to the “relationship” between the New York Yankees and Alex Rodriguez. But this latest episode has to have everyone scratching their heads regarding his  status with the team. He appears to be in a state of limbo and it’s almost like both sides are paralyzed at the moment. Worse, neither the Yankees or Rodriguez are looking very good as this continues to play out.

You might recall that a couple of weeks ago, a much publicized and clandestine meeting took place between Brian Cashman and Rodriguez. The conversation between them was termed “very positive” at the time by Cashman . Many, including this writer, immediately jumped to the conclusion, “This is it! They’re going to release him.” It didn’t happen. Instead, we get the reverse from Brian Cashman  saying essentially “Hold on, it’s not what you think”. Say what?

Then, along comes the trade deadline and the Yankees make a series of moves parting ways with Aroldis Chapman, Carlos Beltran, and Andrew Miller. In the process, the Yankees farm system gets transformed, the team gets younger, and all the chatter is about the “new look” of the Yankees. Meanwhile, Rodriguez is still a Yankee and riding the bench.

Calls for the release of both Rodriguez and Mark Texieria then come forward again to finish the project of transforming the franchise. But that’s not in the mix either as Texieria manages to stay healthy for a whole week while making modest contributions to a stalling lineup.

Fast forward to today.  Rodriguez, who is routinely not in the lineup posted by Joe Girardi,  sits on the top step of the dugout posing stoically for the YES cameras that seem drawn to him incessantly. YES commentators note those poses on their monitors and ask the question, “What’s up with Alex?. But, they never attempt to answer the question they’ve asked because they don’t know the answer either.

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For his part, it appears that Rodriguez has finally taken a few much needed courses in public relations. He’s saying all the right things and pretty much is managing to stay above the fray. Still, you can’t help but wonder what he’s really thinking.

Oddly, no one is moving. It would be a great time for someone to bluff the other side, but it’s like everyone is paralyzed. Very strange. We should be used to these scenarios by now, but each time another episode arises it’s more surreal than the previous one.

You can’t make this stuff up. We can surmise that Rodriguez has his eyes set on reaching the plateau of 700 home runs before he hangs ’em up. For the Yankees, they wouldn’t mind cashing in on the marketing value of seeing him do it in a Yankee uniform. But, the obvious question then becomes how can A-Rod reach that goal if he’s not going to be playing? Watch here as Cashman puts a spin on that (5.00 minutes in) flipping the question back to Girardi who must also be scratching his head too.

Nothing makes much sense here. So now, we wait to see how it all plays out. Who will blink first, Rodriguez or the Yankees? Or, will it continue to grind it’s way forward to the end of the season when we’ll have all winter to talk about it some more?

The press conference on Sunday will be a very interesting moment for the Yankees and Rodriguez, as we may find out more about his status with the team.